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Weld Grinding

Weld grinding

It is common that the weld joint must be ground and finished after the welding process. Depending on the application, there are many different requirements for surface quality after treatment. In the automotive industry, for example, the weld joint must be seamless after the grinding process in order to proceed to the next steps in the process. In some other instances, it may be enough to just remove the excess from the weld joints. In many cases, the grinding process can be automated.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to which grinding tools, medias or processes to use. Each type has a different, unique purpose, depending on the application.

Flexmill has developed wide range of grinding tools, process modules and complete fully automated solutions for weld grinding purposes.

By using its extensive experience with process development, tool manufacturing and through the use of different medias, Flexmill is able to offer tailored tools and solutions for a wide range of grinding and finishing applications and challenges. The most commonly used medias are different grinding belts, disks and stones.

Smart tooling, for example, can contain adaptive sensor technology, media wear monitoring and closed loop control.

A good example of a fully automated solution is a robot work cell with a 3D profiling sensor for measuring the weld area and adaptive force controlled grinding according to the measurement.

When adding Flexmill’s patented media exchange systems as a part of the solution, the entire system can be automated and unmanned production times of up to 24 hours can be achieved.